How to keep a virus from spreading?
Vaccines are coming but they wont end Covid-19 anytime soon. Here’s 8 helpful tips on how to keep a virus from spreading
1. Hand Washing
– Wash your hands properly and frequently with soap and water.
2. Hands to Yourself
– Avoid touching your face especially after touching other surfaces.
3. Cover Your Mouth
– When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with the bend of your elbow or a tissue. Don’t cough/sneeze into your hands to avoid spreading it on other surfaces.
4. Social Distancing
– Avoid crowded places and close contact with anyone that has a fever or cough. Stay at home as much as possible.
5. Self Quarantine
– Stay at home if you feel unwell. Isolate yourself from other people inside the house.
6. Seek Medical Care
– If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty in breathing, seek medical help early.
7. Get a Vaccine
– Getting a vaccine will help prevent serious, life-threatening conditions caused by Covid-19. Getting vaccinated will keep you and the people around you safe.
8. Stay Healthy
– Drink lots of fluids and maintain a healthy diet. Take your Manuka Health honey everyday.